Archive | May, 2012

three beautiful things.

I should be working furiously while Lena is napping, but as usual during naptime my work goes in fits and starts: speedily fold laundry, slowly send Elliott a picture of Lena pre-nap, race through the dishes, thoughtfully write an email, whirl around with the mop till beads of sweat form, sit down to compose a blog post…

Today is a beautiful almost-summertime day in Sicily.  The skies are blue, the clouds are white, the grass is green, the roses are pink and yellow and red.  Here are a few beautiful things to enjoy this day:

-a pretty spring playlist compiled by some folks with great taste here (playing on repeat in this house)

-a couple with Christ at the heart of their marriage here (so much to process about my own marriage, goals, and mentality after watching this!)

-and finally, a few photos of my pretty baby girl splashing around with her friend Sam


7 :: in friends, Lena, motherhood, Sicily

three beautiful things.

I should be working furiously while Lena is napping, but as usual during naptime my work goes in fits and starts: speedily fold laundry, slowly send Elliott a picture of Lena pre-nap, race through the dishes, thoughtfully write an email, whirl around with the mop till beads of sweat form, sit down to compose a blog post…

Today is a beautiful almost-summertime day in Sicily.  The skies are blue, the clouds are white, the grass is green, the roses are pink and yellow and red.  Here are a few beautiful things to enjoy this day:

-a pretty spring playlist compiled by some folks with great taste here (playing on repeat in this house)

-a couple with Christ at the heart of their marriage here (so much to process about my own marriage, goals, and mentality after watching this!)

-and finally, a few photos of my pretty baby girl splashing around with her friend Sam


7 :: in friends, Lena, motherhood, Sicily

my sweet tooth hurts

For some crazed reason I decided that for the month of May I would not eat any sweets.  It seemed like a good idea… eight days ago.  Now it’s all I can think about.  Seriously.  Not an hour goes by of each day (for at least the past three days) where I am not thinking of some delicious sugary thing I would love to consume.  Like…

  • the above hot fudge brownie sundae
  • a red velvet cupcake
  • a Hershey’s kiss
  • a salted caramel cupcake
  • chocolate chip cookie dough
  • a banana cream cupcake
  • a McDonald’s McFlurry with M&Ms
  • basically any kind of cupcake

The idea was to curb my craving for sweets.  Years ago my brother just randomly decided not to eat dessert and very immediately reported he had lost his taste for it.  In fact to this day he rarely eats dessert.  Unfortunately he is also almost a vegetarian and drinks green tea by the gallon.  Maybe I should have known: I can only aspire, I cannot attain.

Oh well.  Seven-and-a-half days down.  Twenty-three to go.  Wish me luck!

image via here

4 :: in eat this

my sweet tooth hurts

For some crazed reason I decided that for the month of May I would not eat any sweets.  It seemed like a good idea… eight days ago.  Now it’s all I can think about.  Seriously.  Not an hour goes by of each day (for at least the past three days) where I am not thinking of some delicious sugary thing I would love to consume.  Like…

  • the above hot fudge brownie sundae
  • a red velvet cupcake
  • a Hershey’s kiss
  • a salted caramel cupcake
  • chocolate chip cookie dough
  • a banana cream cupcake
  • a McDonald’s McFlurry with M&Ms
  • basically any kind of cupcake

The idea was to curb my craving for sweets.  Years ago my brother just randomly decided not to eat dessert and very immediately reported he had lost his taste for it.  In fact to this day he rarely eats dessert.  Unfortunately he is also almost a vegetarian and drinks green tea by the gallon.  Maybe I should have known: I can only aspire, I cannot attain.

Oh well.  Seven-and-a-half days down.  Twenty-three to go.  Wish me luck!

image via here

4 :: in eat this


We’re home safe and sound in Sicily and oh! how good it is to be home.  Mostly it’s wonderful to be back home with Elliott, who–according to me and Lena–is pretty much the best person in the world.  We had a completely lovely weekend together that involved little more than reading, hiking, eating, and savoring life together again.

Anyway, here are some fun photos from our trip to Charlottesville last week to visit my sisters (Emily and Julia) and my sibs-in-law (Jess and Jonathan), all of whom are current UVA students.  Elliott and I both went to UVA and love going back to relive old memories and make new ones with our siblings.  Because honestly… is there a more lovely college town in all the world?

Lena was pretty good in the car down to C’ville… and she even napped, which is unheard of!  Still, she was very glad to see her Aunt Jess.  She finally opened her birthday present from her aunt, too, which was accompanied by a note: “Brands don’t define you.  They just make you cooler.”  And it was a pair of darling little 12-month size Patagonia shorts!  Thanks, Aunt Jess!

Had to go to Take It Away, the sandwich shop where I ate lunch about 5 times a week as an undergrad.

Aunt Julia took a break from studying to come say hi!  And eat some of Mama’s amazing sandwich: tuna on wheat with sprouts.

After lunch we went over to Alderman library to visit Auntie Em.  She helped Lena walk up the steps of Alderman to imagine what it would be like in 2029 when Lena starts school at UVA.

Later we went down to the Map Room and met Alexa, one of Auntie Em’s best friends.  I used to study down here too!  Back when it was un-renovated and only a few people knew about it, of course.

And then on to visit the lovely Lawn!  The grass is lush, all primed for graduation in just a couple weeks.

From there we walked on to the Amphitheater, where Aunt Jess and Uncle Jonathan were listening to one of their friends play jazz on the stage.

For a final stop at UVA we went back to the Study Center, which was packed with students preparing for exams.  Lena kept climbing the stairs and really wanted to go into the library.  So finally I opened the door for her and let her crawl in.

And she was a total hit!  Look at this series of photos as one by one the students pop out of the carrels to admire the cute little baby.  She was totally hamming it up, taking one girl’s highlighter and then waving it around, putting it behind her head, babbling, bouncing up and down in the middle of the floor.  The whole room was giggling helplessly, including her mama.

Talk about some amazing therapy for stressed out students!  We love you, darling Lena.

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3 :: in family, friends, Lena, travel, Virginia

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