Archive | September, 2012

solo parenting a toddler

I feel like this post’s title is a bit of a lie because I am not a solo parent.  Elliott is very much alive and well, he’s just not here.  But not here for three weeks at a time is hard.  I am very ready for this separation to be over… and we’ve still got two weeks to go.

Lena seems to have turned a corner recently and has become so willful and sassy.  Her new thing is to shout, “No!  Nooo!” just for the fun of it, often while looking me right in the eye and declaring she will not do whatever I deem a good idea or proper behavior for a 1.5-year-old.  I’m somewhat at a loss as to how to address this.  What is proper discipline?  And what is the heart of the issue that I can address in a way she will understand?  Just to illustrate a bit, those photos above were taken after a flippin’ tantrum because this little miss of mine didn’t want to wait for the dough to be finished before we tasted it.  (She sure was happy and cute by the time we took the pictures, though, with a chocolate cookie dough-covered beater in her mouth!)

Also, she appears to have given up her afternoon nap.  Guys, I love her naps.  Love them.  Every day that 90 minutes or so in the morning and again in the afternoon are bliss for me.  At home I use them to clean the house, catch up on emails, write a blog post, read a book… enjoy the peace.  There is such a sense of peace in the house when you and your child have a routine and he or she settles peacefully down for a nap!

I knew this day would come, but I hoped it would take another year (!) or so.  As I write this she is in her bed for her afternoon nap, happily chatting to herself, occasionally yelling, every now and then calling “Mama!  Maaaama!  Mamamama!”  This is Day 4 of this routine.  Yesterday I left her in her crib for 1.5 hours!  At one point she was quiet (“yay, at last” I thought) and then suddenly she began crying in distress.  I raced up the stairs and found her standing in her crib holding her fingers out to me, asking me to clean them.  They were covered in thick gel, and in the other hand was an open pot of Vaseline!  She is now big enough to reach out of her crib, open a nearby drawer, and pull out the contents.  I couldn’t believe it.  I rebuked her firmly, emptied the drawer, moved her crib, and left her… only to listen to another 30 minutes of babbling upstairs.  Finally, I gave up entirely and lifted my relieved little toddler out of her crib.  I had been stubborn, but that day she was stubborner.

Anyway, I guess I’m feeling the aches and pains of motherhood these days.  I miss my husband and I’m definitely feeling the effects of pregnancy combined with jet lag (yes, still… days later).  Lena’s new routine of waking up by 6:15am also isn’t helping things.  I need grace to mother and respond to Lena without my hubby to take over when the going gets tough (or when 5pm rolls around each day!).

And I’m also feeling my inadequacy at this whole enormous parenting task.  For all the other parents (or adult children of wise parents) who are reading this, do you have any ideas or advice?

* * *
On an entirely different note, this blog got a facelift!  What do you think?
12 :: in Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom Series, Lena, motherhood, thoughts

solo parenting a toddler

I feel like this post’s title is a bit of a lie because I am not a solo parent.  Elliott is very much alive and well, he’s just not here.  But not here for three weeks at a time is hard.  I am very ready for this separation to be over… and we’ve still got two weeks to go.

Lena seems to have turned a corner recently and has become so willful and sassy.  Her new thing is to shout, “No!  Nooo!” just for the fun of it, often while looking me right in the eye and declaring she will not do whatever I deem a good idea or proper behavior for a 1.5-year-old.  I’m somewhat at a loss as to how to address this.  What is proper discipline?  And what is the heart of the issue that I can address in a way she will understand?  Just to illustrate a bit, those photos above were taken after a flippin’ tantrum because this little miss of mine didn’t want to wait for the dough to be finished before we tasted it.  (She sure was happy and cute by the time we took the pictures, though, with a chocolate cookie dough-covered beater in her mouth!)

Also, she appears to have given up her afternoon nap.  Guys, I love her naps.  Love them.  Every day that 90 minutes or so in the morning and again in the afternoon are bliss for me.  At home I use them to clean the house, catch up on emails, write a blog post, read a book… enjoy the peace.  There is such a sense of peace in the house when you and your child have a routine and he or she settles peacefully down for a nap!

I knew this day would come, but I hoped it would take another year (!) or so.  As I write this she is in her bed for her afternoon nap, happily chatting to herself, occasionally yelling, every now and then calling “Mama!  Maaaama!  Mamamama!”  This is Day 4 of this routine.  Yesterday I left her in her crib for 1.5 hours!  At one point she was quiet (“yay, at last” I thought) and then suddenly she began crying in distress.  I raced up the stairs and found her standing in her crib holding her fingers out to me, asking me to clean them.  They were covered in thick gel, and in the other hand was an open pot of Vaseline!  She is now big enough to reach out of her crib, open a nearby drawer, and pull out the contents.  I couldn’t believe it.  I rebuked her firmly, emptied the drawer, moved her crib, and left her… only to listen to another 30 minutes of babbling upstairs.  Finally, I gave up entirely and lifted my relieved little toddler out of her crib.  I had been stubborn, but that day she was stubborner.

Anyway, I guess I’m feeling the aches and pains of motherhood these days.  I miss my husband and I’m definitely feeling the effects of pregnancy combined with jet lag (yes, still… days later).  Lena’s new routine of waking up by 6:15am also isn’t helping things.  I need grace to mother and respond to Lena without my hubby to take over when the going gets tough (or when 5pm rolls around each day!).

And I’m also feeling my inadequacy at this whole enormous parenting task.  For all the other parents (or adult children of wise parents) who are reading this, do you have any ideas or advice?

* * *
On an entirely different note, this blog got a facelift!  What do you think?
12 :: in Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom Series, Lena, motherhood, thoughts

H St Festival with Eden

As promised, here are a few iPhone photos from an awesome festival we visited over the weekend.  (Thanks for the invite, Eden!)  I loved being back on Capitol Hill most of all, for how I love the Hill!  The only thing missing was my hubby.   He would have loved reliving our newlywed memories, like walking hand-in-hand on a Saturday while exploring our favorite neighborhood in the world.  Can’t wait till we’re reunited here in October!

welcome to the annual H St Festival!
& hilarious t-shirt for sale

beautiful handcrafted pieces by Jette Skadhauge
& my dear brother-in-law David at a popup library he co-sponsored to inspire petition-signing to return librarians to D.C. schools (they’re now optional… sad); I scored about 20 brand new and free children’s books at his library!

 food & fortunes
 loved this baretender’s tutu (and silver eyeliner)
& local pickles
sign of the times: hipsters by food trucks
& our free blue raspberry snow cones from Capital City Church
serious pig roast
& Eden admiring gorgeous Amani products from Kenya
 cool mirrors, happy sisters (in-law, but who cares about that part)
& woodburning with a concave glass on the hood of a car (ie., huh??)
 lemonade bicycle
& bless D.C. Water, who provided a misted tent and free H2O on a hot day
11 :: in DC, family

H St Festival with Eden

As promised, here are a few iPhone photos from an awesome festival we visited over the weekend.  (Thanks for the invite, Eden!)  I loved being back on Capitol Hill most of all, for how I love the Hill!  The only thing missing was my hubby.   He would have loved reliving our newlywed memories, like walking hand-in-hand on a Saturday while exploring our favorite neighborhood in the world.  Can’t wait till we’re reunited here in October!

welcome to the annual H St Festival!
& hilarious t-shirt for sale

beautiful handcrafted pieces by Jette Skadhauge
& my dear brother-in-law David at a popup library he co-sponsored to inspire petition-signing to return librarians to D.C. schools (they’re now optional… sad); I scored about 20 brand new and free children’s books at his library!

 food & fortunes
 loved this baretender’s tutu (and silver eyeliner)
& local pickles
sign of the times: hipsters by food trucks
& our free blue raspberry snow cones from Capital City Church
serious pig roast
& Eden admiring gorgeous Amani products from Kenya
 cool mirrors, happy sisters (in-law, but who cares about that part)
& woodburning with a concave glass on the hood of a car (ie., huh??)
 lemonade bicycle
& bless D.C. Water, who provided a misted tent and free H2O on a hot day
11 :: in DC, family

in the States!

boarding a military flight in Sicily

Yep, I’m back in Virginia… again.  For the fourth time this summer!  (Find photos of other trips home here in May, here in June, and here in July.)  We were all planning to come back in October for Elliott’s brother’s wedding, but Elliott has to travel a lot for work for the rest of September.  We decided that Lena and I should go home early so I could spend more time with my family.  As this will be my last trip home until next summer (when we have another babe in arms), and because we are all deeply grieving the recent loss of my little sister, we thought these three weeks would be a valuable time for me to be at home with my family.

exploring airports along the way home 
& fun times in Auntie Em’s room once we got back to Virginia 

I took a bit of an unorthodox route home: a military flight.  Are you imagining cavernous cargo planes and Lena strapped into a jump seat?  I did too, but then I actually tried space available military transport, and it is so different than I expected!

First of all, you ride on a normal commercial airline, complete with regular flight attendants, hot meals, and movies.  The military contracts North American Airlines* to fly these “rotator” flights for them, and so every two weeks a regular Boeing 767 will start in Norfolk and fly through Rota (Spain), Sigonella (Italy), Bahrain, and Djibouti, picking up and dropping off passengers along the way.  On its way back this time, the plane picked us up in Sigonella; took us to Rota; dropped all of us off in the terminal on base for about 2 hours while it refueled, stocked up hot meals, and took on new passengers; and then flew all of us across the Atlantic to land in Norfolk around 3:30am on Friday morning, where my sweet parents were waiting to drive us all home to Fairfax (3 hours away).  It was a long, long day for everyone!

*(Have you ever heard of North American Airlines?  No, me either.  For all I knew, it could have been a fake airline.  Wouldn’t that be a perfect setting for a horror film?  “Everything seemed safe and secure for Captain Ghenty and his family… until they boarded a chartered flight home on an unknown airline… and somewhere over the Atlantic, everything changed….”)

Thankfully, the trip was uneventful for Lena and me.  We paid only $60 to get home (“taxes… sorry, ma’am”) instead of close to $1,000 as on commercial airlines.  We could have been stranded in Rota if there wasn’t room for us on the plane, but we weren’t… this time.  Lena and I will repeat the adventure again in October to get home and we’ll see if all goes as smoothly next time.  I’ve heard tragic tales of unaccompanied dependents (ie. wives and babies traveling without their high-priority active duty husbands) getting stranded for a week at a time along the way while full planes leave daily without them and I’ve heard of them eventually buying one-way commercial airline tickets just to finally get home.  I hope I don’t have to write my own horror story on the way back!

Check back later today for some fun photos of a festival I went to in D.C. on Saturday.  It’s good to be back in the U.S. of A!
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