Archive | October, 2012

Jonathan & Erika’s rehearsal dinner

Here are a few photos that I took of the rehearsal dinner for my brother-in-law Jonathan and his lovely fiancee [now wife!] Erika.  The Garber parents threw an amazing party at their house with outdoor seating under a tent strung with twinkle lights; a whole roasted pig (!); a delicious spread of salad and baked potatoes and homemade biscuits; drinks and snacks on the back deck; homemade pumpkin pies and apple crisps and Nutella-stuffed brown butter + sea salt chocolate chip cookies for dessert; and a fire pit for gathering and talking after dark.  The whole party was a smashing success.  So happy for you, Jon and Erika!

thank you, Abby, Clydette, and Gail, for your amazing help in the kitchen!

baby girl with my apple cider tea & the groom-to-be snatching a taste of fresh pork rind

Jonathan with two of his favorite girls in the world: his twin sister Jess and his now-wife Erika

lots of toasts to Jon and Erika at the end of the evening
Last but not least, I would have loved to include a beautiful family portrait in this post, but… this is how our family portraits turned out that night:
9 :: in family, friends, Virginia, wedding

flow chart for cleaning

How great is this chat?  I found it on Pinterest when I was looking for printables for my Home Management Binder (blog post coming soon) and feel like I need to tape it on my fridge as soon as I get back to Sicily.  I’m sure the whole house cleaning process as outlined here would take me several hours the whole day, but having it streamlined like this would help me move quickly from task to task.

Since moving to Sicily and having a child, the house cleaning and home management tasks have mostly settled on my shoulders, and I’m always eager for advice as I learn this “art of homemaking.”  (I would have laughed at that expression before, but now I am convinced it is an art… and I don’t know how to be artistic yet!)

I’d love to hear your favorite house cleaning or home management tip.  What do you do to keep a quiet, clean home?

12 :: in Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom Series, home sweet home, links I love

flow chart for cleaning

How great is this chat?  I found it on Pinterest when I was looking for printables for my Home Management Binder (blog post coming soon) and feel like I need to tape it on my fridge as soon as I get back to Sicily.  I’m sure the whole house cleaning process as outlined here would take me several hours the whole day, but having it streamlined like this would help me move quickly from task to task.

Since moving to Sicily and having a child, the house cleaning and home management tasks have mostly settled on my shoulders, and I’m always eager for advice as I learn this “art of homemaking.”  (I would have laughed at that expression before, but now I am convinced it is an art… and I don’t know how to be artistic yet!)

I’d love to hear your favorite house cleaning or home management tip.  What do you do to keep a quiet, clean home?

11 :: in Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom Series, home sweet home, links I love

great hair and a supercilious look

My sister-in-law Jess did my hair the other night.  She did kind of a back-and-forth waterfall braid and then twisted up the end and clipped it with a small clip.  I couldn’t believe it when she showed me these pictures of the back of my head.  It looks so complicated and romantic!

And then I saw this picture:

What kind of face is that?!  It looks like I’m judging the whole world, wrinkling up my nose at it!  I didn’t know Jess was taking this picture.  Does that mean this my “default” face, the expression I go to when I’m relaxed and quiet?  If so… yikes.  I know I wasn’t thinking judgmental and supercilious thoughts right then (or at least I try to un-think them when I do think them!) but it sure looks like I am mentally sneering at something.  

Have you ever looked at a candid shot of yourself and balked at your expression?  Not sure what to do about this problem.  Smile all the time?!

5 :: in family, Virginia

great hair and a supercilious look

My sister-in-law Jess did my hair the other night.  She did kind of a back-and-forth waterfall braid and then twisted up the end and clipped it with a small clip.  I couldn’t believe it when she showed me these pictures of the back of my head.  It looks so complicated and romantic!

And then I saw this picture:

What kind of face is that?!  It looks like I’m judging the whole world, wrinkling up my nose at it!  I didn’t know Jess was taking this picture.  Does that mean this my “default” face, the expression I go to when I’m relaxed and quiet?  If so… yikes.  I know I wasn’t thinking judgmental and supercilious thoughts right then (or at least I try to un-think them when I do think them!) but it sure looks like I am mentally sneering at something.  

Have you ever looked at a candid shot of yourself and balked at your expression?  Not sure what to do about this problem.  Smile all the time?!

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5 :: in family, Virginia

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