We asked Lena if she’d like to come along.
She said sure, after she finished admiring her hands. She loves smoothing them over things and feeling things against her palms.
After that we caught the local bus down to the city center. A river runs through it!
Behind me in the first photo is the Teatro Olimpico, a famous landmark in Vicenza. We discovered the lovely walled garden behind the theater.
Pit stop, lunch break.
Lena continues her training in the art of sitting up…
… while I wandered around the garden taking pictures.
Lena ate some lunch too. She gets to eat in some of the most idyllic spots!
What a pretty little town! My favorite part? Andrea Palladio, a famous Italian architect, was from Vicenza. As all good UVA Guide Service members know, Palladio inspired Thomas Jefferson, and Palladian architecture is all over the University of Virginia.
We discovered his statue (and some fabuloso gelato):
The main square, all very Palladian with the columns:
And then we just wandered down the colorful streets and through quiet piazze (plural of piazza):
The guard and courtyard for a remodeled apartment building:
Vicenzians bike! We loved it.
Can you spot the neighbors chatting?
A final cheerful scene on our way to the bus stop. We loved the ancient church (or castle?) on the hill in the background!

so lucky…
Very very pretty. All I imagine it being as someone who’s only read about it in stories. Hard not to be a little envious…but somehow when it is the experience of one’s child, there is still a vicarious satisfaction for parent as well. <3