Activity I am most looking forward to this morning: downloading pictures from my camera to share with you soon!
But in the meantime, here are the long-ago-promised photos from SeaWorld San Antonio. One of the first things we discovered when we arrived is the dolphin pool. You’re permitted to lean over the low wall and splash your hands in the water, calling the 10 dolphins towards you. The younger ones enjoyed coming close to get head rubs, and that was the way I finally got to touch my first dolphin!
Lena wasn’t so sure at first. What are these giant creatures coming out of the water, Mom?
But she enjoyed this!
Later we took her into shark- and ray-infested waters. Her fascination was fairly short-lived.
By contrast, I think we could have sat by the duck and flamingo pool all day and she would have been happy.
At the end of our day there we went to the orca and beluga/dophin shows, which are full of lights and music and action. Elliott and I love scuba diving and have been in close contact with a lot of cool sea creatures, but somehow every time I see an orca or dolphin or penguin or ray up close, it takes my breath away. By the time we have reason to return to San Antonio, I think Miss Lena might agree with us even more.

oh em gee.
LOOK at those gorgeous eyes.