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a Sicilian tradition :: Pasta alla Norma recipe


On Monday a few of my friends and I gathered for a cooking class with Maria, a wonderful Italian woman who often watches our children.  She is known for being a fabulous cook and we’ve all enjoyed her bruschetta and pasta alla norma in the past.  She had agreed to teach us both recipes so we can recreate them after we leave Sicily.

I’m going to share her pasta alla norma recipe today and her bruschetta recipe tomorrow.  Pasta alla norma is a classic Sicilian dish that is made with fried eggplant, tomatoes, and salted ricotta cheese.  I’m not a huge fan of eggplant — even though it is ubiquitous in Sicily — but I will eat pasta alla norma by the kilo, it seems. It tastes like Sicily to me.

Here are some pictures of the process and then the recipe is at the end.  Enjoy!


First, take a kilo of tomatoes and pour boiling water over them.  Let it stand while you prepare the eggplant by cutting strips off four sides.  Eggplant becomes very soft when cooked so the remaining skin helps it to keep some shape.


Chop the eggplant into 1-inch pieces and put in a bowl of cold salted water.  Sprinkle salt on top.  The salt helps draw out the bitterness of the eggplant.

Meanwhile, take your tomatoes, deseed them, and then dice them.


Next you’ll need olive oil.  Our olive oil comes in 5-liter jugs around here!


Simmer the tomatoes with 3/4 cup olive oil and 6 cloves of garlic for about an hour.


Take a break to admire all our cute kids playing around the house…


And a sleeping baby, bless him.  It lasted 5 minutes before he was back in Mama’s arms.


In a cup of hot vegetable oil, fry the chopped eggplant in batches.  Be sure to squeeze out the salt water before adding the eggplant to the oil.


Your eggplant should look like this when it’s done frying.  Yum!


Take another break to admire cute kids admiring a cute baby.


Cook your pasta and then toss it with the sauce and the fried eggplant. Top with grated ricotta cheese.


And eat!  Best when served by a sweet Italian nonna.  Buon appetito!



Pasta alla Norma Recipe


  • 1/2 kilo pasta (1 lb)
  • 1 kilo tomato (2 lbs)
  • 3 eggplants
  • 6 whole cloves garlic
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 Tbsp salt
  • Cold water with small handful of kosher salt
  • 3/4 c. olive oil
  • Ricotta Salata
  • 1 Tbsp Sugar (for sauce if tomatoes aren’t sweet enough)
  • 1Tbsp dried basil or handful of fresh basil


For Eggplant:

  • Peel eggplant leaving 1in. strips of skin around. (4 strips of skin, 4 strips of flesh) and dice
    into 1in. pieces and place in prepared salt water. Sprinkle 2 palm fulls of salt onto top of
  • Heat vegetable oil in large skillet. Squeeze water from eggplant really well. Fry eggplant
    (in small batches) 5 minutes, turn pieces over, continue to fry until golden brown.
  • Drain into colander set in large bowl.

For sauce:

  • Place tomatoes in large bowl. Bring pot of water to a boil and pour over tomatoes.
  • Let sit for 10 minutes, drain, then peel, seed (by squeezing tomato), and pit tomatoes.
  • Dice very small and place in large skillet pour 1/2 Tbsp salt in tomatoes and bring to simmer.
  • Pour in 3/4 c olive oil. Add 6 whole cloves of garlic. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  • Taste sauce, add sugar if needed. Stir, continue to simmer. Let simmer 1 hr.
  • Add 1 Tbsp dried basil or handful of fresh basil

Add tomato sauce and eggplant to cooked pasta. Top with shredded ricotta salata cheese.

15 :: in eat this, friends, Sicily

life lately

Today is the last day to enter my Italian food giveaway!  The competition closes at midnight EST.  All the details are in this post!



Oh the joys of having a newborn… and being the parents of two!   There has been a lot of laughter and so much rejoicing these past 10 days, but there have also been some semi-sleepless nights and a realization that life will never quite be the same.  Although I would never go back, I also am very tired and am not quite sure how I am going to survive once Elliott goes back to work on Friday!  A blog reader shared this piece of wisdom with me today: “if the bums are clean and the bellies are full, it’s been a great day!”  I’m going with that for now.

Here are a few other shots of life around our home these days:


We have been so blessed by some delicious meals from our friends after Gil was born.  We told people that we like vegetarian and seafood dishes, and I’ve been amazed by our friends’ creativity and cookin’ skillz as they have put meal after meal on our table.  Last week my friend Anna brought us a meal on our anniversary, and so she chose to bring one of our favorite meals of all time — chicken curry — and also brought a fancy tablecloth and long red candles.  How sweet is that?!


I got this amazing package in the mail yesterday from a 16-year-old blog reader.  She goes to my parents’ church and got my address so that she could send little baby boy Gil a hat she made for him!  I was blown away.  I love the colors and the style, don’t you?  It’s going to get a lot of use over the years.  Thank you so much, Kara!


I slipped out of the house for a few minutes today to do my weekly market shopping.  The man at my favorite fruit and veggie truck broke into a huge smile when he saw me coming (sans gigantic belly) and gave me his enthusiastic best wishes for our new son.  I loaded up on these blood oranges, which were just 40 cents a kilo!


To cloth diaper or not to cloth diaper… always the question.  My friend Emily loaned me her newborn cloth diapers and covers so that we have all we need to get started whenever we’re ready.  We cloth diapered Lena from 9 months until a few weeks ago (she has abruptly decided to potty train herself) and are enjoying a break from all the diaper laundry.  I must say that these diapers are so stinkin’ cute compared to Pampers…

If you cloth diapered your baby, when did you start?  Right away?  After an adjustment period to a new baby?  Any tips as I get started cloth diapering a newborn for the first time?


If you’d like to see more pictures of life around here, you can find me on Instagram now.  My username is beccagarber.  See ya on the filtered side!

15 :: in Baby Numero Due, family, friends, Gil, giveaway, life lately

girls’ getaway to Taormina

Welcome back from MLK Day weekend, everyone!  Hope you kicked back, relaxed, and enjoyed the weekend wherever you are.  We laid very low here at home other than a couple of hikes into the valley and some evenings with friends.  And we twiddled our thumbs and waited for this baby to come, but… he’s staying put for now.  Oh well!


I’ve been wanting to share these photos with you from now two weekends ago.  It all started when I woke up on Saturday morning and saw an email from my friend Emily, who was on her way to Florence with her family and wanted advice about flying with a runny-nosed toddler.


I turned to Elliott and sighed, “We don’t travel anymore!   We used to go somewhere every few weeks but now we just stay at home.  Which is fine with a baby due any day, but… I miss it.”


“Well,” replied my husband, with a twinkle in his eye, “what if I told you that you were going on a trip today?  That your friends are whisking you away for a girls’ weekend in Taormina?  That you are going to spend the whole day shopping and eating in nice restaurants and getting a massage at a spa… and that you’re staying overnight in a hotel there, too?”


Umm… whaaaat?!


But he wasn’t kidding!  My friend Bethany had secretly arranged to take her two pregnant friends–me and Becca Arthur–to Taormina for a little last getaway before both our babies are born.  (Becca is due in May with her fourth child, a girl!)  Bethany had arranged the whole agenda herself and would be picking me up in about 2 hours.  Time to pack my bags!



We spent the whole day just as Elliott had promised: wandering around the beautiful Sicilian town of Taormina (which I have blogged about before here and here), eating delicious food, and browsing through stores that we would never enter with our rambunctious toddlers!  It was a beautiful gift of a day with two dear friends.


We shopped for pottery in our favorite artist’s studio.


Fruit made entirely out of marzipan!  Better to look than to eat.
Mini cannolo with pistachio cream.
Cool design idea: display your wine bottles on old roof tiles.


Sicilian ceramics.


Becca and me at lunch in a lovely little restaurant overlooking the water.



 Later we ate granite at our favorite little shop.  We chose mandarin and raspberry.  So fresh and fruity!


The photos ceased after this as we left Taormina to drive to our hotel, where we relaxed that evening and all got amazing massages.  Later we went out for dinner, but unfortunately at this point I was starting to feel ill.  I had no idea why, but then around 1am I woke up and made a beeline for the bathroom to upchuck.  Sadly for me, the stomach virus (which has been ravaging our whole community these past few weeks) appeared to have struck at the worst possible time!  I took this photo from bed in our hotel room the next morning as I tried to keep a cup of tea down and read a book while Bethany and Becca enjoyed breakfast downstairs.


Bethany got a call from her husband that morning and learned that her own two boys were also losing their breakfast from the same bug!  Oh well… it was home and into survival mode for our two houses for the next couple of days.  An adventurous end to a relaxing weekend!  Thankfully it didn’t dampen the spirits or mar the memories for me.

Thank you so much, Bethany, for arranging such a fun weekend for us!

11 :: in friends, pretty places, Taormina, travel, weekend

Christmas Eve brunch at our home

Buncha munchkins, aren’t they?!

We have a huge farmhouse table in our kitchen, a wonderful bonus that came with our house here in Sicily.  I love to fill it up with guests as often as seems feasible; the table is just so empty (and such a good collector of odds and ends!) when there are just three of us eating at it all the time. 

For Christmas Eve, we invited our dear friends the Arthurs and a family we don’t know as well to come over for brunch.  All of us contributed family traditions to the Christmas meal: Monte Cristo bake from Jaime, sausage and egg casserole from Becca, and these cinnamon rolls from me.  With fruit skewers, fresh bacon, juices, hot wassail, and big cups of coffee, we feasted! 

All the kids clearly loved being together from that first cup of juice to the last minute of The Muppet Christmas Carol (which they are waiting for in the photo above).  Meanwhile we adults spent hours around the table, nibbling on just one more delicious bite and exchanging life stories, travel wisdom, and how to acquire Polish pottery for the best price (Jaime and I are great lovers of this pottery!).

The truth is that if we were living back in the States, all of us would probably have spent Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day at our parents’ homes.  This long and leisurely brunch make “home” seem not so far away, which I think is always true whenever you make someone your favorite dish, join hands with them in prayer, and linger long at their table.

Were you away from family this Christmas?  What did you do to make it memorable?  With one more Christmas ahead of us here in Sicily away from family, I’m eager to hear suggestions!

5 :: in eat this, friends, holidays, hospitality

IKEA thru Instagram

Around here it seems like people make their IKEA shopping lists over the course of a month or two before braving the store to stock up. My friend Becca and I were in that boat, needing storage bins, holiday wrapping paper, potted ivy plants, plastic kids’ dishes, etc.  Earlier this week we joined forces and took off for the endless, winding halls of IKEA, kids in tow.

You know you love IKEA when your kids start playing with amazing toys 
as soon as they walk through the door.

On the right: Lucas prepares a meal for Lena as she patiently waits.
(Of course in reality this scene lasted for about 0.4 seconds, or however long it takes my phone to snap a picture.)

Ah, the toy section, where both parents and kids can spend ever so long.

The ice cream machine in the cafeteria is a huge highlight of the trip.
Anticipation… and joy!
(And the perfect t-shirt.)
Beautiful Christmas decorations, IKEA.  You win.
There’s a happy face!  
(I actually don’t think she’s ever had her own ice cone before… and she would not share with her mama.)
And there’s a tired one.  
Time to roll out.

N.B. My husband thought I should inform you that this is not a sponsored post by IKEA or Instagram.

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