Archive | husband

happy anniversary to us!

We’ve been married for two years today… such a long time, I know!  So much has happened in these two very short years.  Weddings and home-buyings and deployments and deaths and travels and births and good-byes and moves to Sicily!

I remember this day last year very well.  Elliott had flown home at last after getting caught in the middle of the Arab Spring uprising in Cairo, a terrifying 36 hours for us until he called me as he ran to board the last plane out of Egypt.  We met up with his family on our anniversary morning to have brunch at The Chesapeake Room on Barracks Row and then Elliott, Eden, and I went for a walk before we went to Bradley class.  I was 7 months pregnant at the time and stepped off a step on our walk… and suddenly I couldn’t walk any farther.  I thought I had twisted my ankle, but it wasn’t my ankle, it was my foot.  An x-ray the next day confirmed I had broken my foot!  What a fun day.  If it isn’t one thing, then it’s the other, it seems, with us.

Anyway, hopefully this anniversary will be a little less eventful.  Thus far Lena and I have spent it curled up in front of the fire as the rain pours down outside.  Tonight we’re leaving Lena in the hands of a sweet Italian woman and are going out to a new sushi restaurant that our friends can’t stop talking about.

Just for fun here are some photos of our beautiful snowy wedding by our awesome photographer friend:

the men get ready

walking from the carriage house to the mansion to greet his bride
joyful preparations!

first look & my sweet Grampie
 vows (we couldn’t stop smiling!)

quick and cold portraits outside… snowflakes on our noses and eyelashes

 dancing the night away
4 :: in husband, wedding

happy anniversary to us!

We’ve been married for two years today… such a long time, I know!  So much has happened in these two very short years.  Weddings and home-buyings and deployments and deaths and travels and births and good-byes and moves to Sicily!

I remember this day last year very well.  Elliott had flown home at last after getting caught in the middle of the Arab Spring uprising in Cairo, a terrifying 36 hours for us until he called me as he ran to board the last plane out of Egypt.  We met up with his family on our anniversary morning to have brunch at The Chesapeake Room on Barracks Row and then Elliott, Eden, and I went for a walk before we went to Bradley class.  I was 7 months pregnant at the time and stepped off a step on our walk… and suddenly I couldn’t walk any farther.  I thought I had twisted my ankle, but it wasn’t my ankle, it was my foot.  An x-ray the next day confirmed I had broken my foot!  What a fun day.  If it isn’t one thing, then it’s the other, it seems, with us.

Anyway, hopefully this anniversary will be a little less eventful.  Thus far Lena and I have spent it curled up in front of the fire as the rain pours down outside.  Tonight we’re leaving Lena in the hands of a sweet Italian woman and are going out to a new sushi restaurant that our friends can’t stop talking about.

Just for fun here are some photos of our beautiful snowy wedding by our awesome photographer friend:

the men get ready

walking from the carriage house to the mansion to greet his bride
joyful preparations!

first look & my sweet Grampie
 vows (we couldn’t stop smiling!)

quick and cold portraits outside… snowflakes on our noses and eyelashes

 dancing the night away
3 :: in husband, wedding

a hike in the hills

We live in a house that overlooks a magnificent valley here in Sicily.  Ever since we’ve moved in, Elliott’s been itching to explore the whole valley, not just a little traipse here and there.  Finally he had a four-day weekend and so last Saturday we packed our bags and set out for the day.

Our goal was the highest rise on the other side of the valley, which is about eye-level from our balcony and goal we’ve been studying since we moved in.  For a refresher, here’s an older photo of that highest point:

We hiked down into the valley, past the farm in the foreground of the photo, jumped the stream in the middle of the valley, and started up the steep hillside on the opposite bank.  At last we achieved our goal!  We stood triumphant overlooking our lovely Italian countryside.  We could see the Mediterranean, the whole Plain of Catania, and the queen Mt Etna presiding over this little piece of the world.

We headed down the ridgeline until we found a quiet spot for a picnic.

 “I’d like the whole biscuit, please, Mama.”

A pause for a diaper change…

We continued through sunlit olive groves.  All the olives were picked for the season, but they’re disgustingly inedible right off the trees anyway.  Much brining is required before they become the  savory snack we get from our neighbors.

Prickly pears are in season.  Haven’t figured out how to eat them yet.

We also found a dormant vineyard, tied up neatly for the winter season.  Little raisins hung in clusters from a few of the branches.  I can’t wait to see the vineyard again when the vines are heavy with grapes.  Perhaps we could even find a bottle of wine made from the grapes grown here! 

Elliott (and Lena) spotted some local birds.  His eyes are amazing.  He’ll suddenly stop and stare at something that I can’t see, swing his binoculars around and study it a little more, and then announce, “Hmm, I think that’s a…,” and then check his book to be sure.  He’s almost always right.  How does he know these things??

At our farthest point from our town (visible in the background of this photo) we were in the middle of orange groves.  Most of the blood oranges had been picked for the season but we found some discards on the ground.  They were so sweet and rich with their shockingly red flesh.  (No photos of them, though, because our hands were too sticky!)

There were still plenty of mandarins, though, and we found a few of those on the ground to taste as well.  They were so refreshing and sweet.

And finally we hiked home, weary and triumphant.  We have explored our whole valley now, from its quiet groves to its delicious fruits.  How many more hikes in how many more seasons await us in these next few years!   

5 :: in eat this, husband, Italy, pretty places, Sicily

a hike in the hills

We live in a house that overlooks a magnificent valley here in Sicily.  Ever since we’ve moved in, Elliott’s been itching to explore the whole valley, not just a little traipse here and there.  Finally he had a four-day weekend and so last Saturday we packed our bags and set out for the day.

Our goal was the highest rise on the other side of the valley, which is about eye-level from our balcony and goal we’ve been studying since we moved in.  For a refresher, here’s an older photo of that highest point:

We hiked down into the valley, past the farm in the foreground of the photo, jumped the stream in the middle of the valley, and started up the steep hillside on the opposite bank.  At last we achieved our goal!  We stood triumphant overlooking our lovely Italian countryside.  We could see the Mediterranean, the whole Plain of Catania, and the queen Mt Etna presiding over this little piece of the world.

We headed down the ridgeline until we found a quiet spot for a picnic.

 “I’d like the whole biscuit, please, Mama.”

A pause for a diaper change…

We continued through sunlit olive groves.  All the olives were picked for the season, but they’re disgustingly inedible right off the trees anyway.  Much brining is required before they become the  savory snack we get from our neighbors.

Prickly pears are in season.  Haven’t figured out how to eat them yet.

We also found a dormant vineyard, tied up neatly for the winter season.  Little raisins hung in clusters from a few of the branches.  I can’t wait to see the vineyard again when the vines are heavy with grapes.  Perhaps we could even find a bottle of wine made from the grapes grown here! 

Elliott (and Lena) spotted some local birds.  His eyes are amazing.  He’ll suddenly stop and stare at something that I can’t see, swing his binoculars around and study it a little more, and then announce, “Hmm, I think that’s a…,” and then check his book to be sure.  He’s almost always right.  How does he know these things??

At our farthest point from our town (visible in the background of this photo) we were in the middle of orange groves.  Most of the blood oranges had been picked for the season but we found some discards on the ground.  They were so sweet and rich with their shockingly red flesh.  (No photos of them, though, because our hands were too sticky!)

There were still plenty of mandarins, though, and we found a few of those on the ground to taste as well.  They were so refreshing and sweet.

And finally we hiked home, weary and triumphant.  We have explored our whole valley now, from its quiet groves to its delicious fruits.  How many more hikes in how many more seasons await us in these next few years!   

5 :: in eat this, husband, Italy, pretty places, Sicily

we’re back!

After an invigorating 10-day romp through the Balkans, this little family returned to home in Sicily.  Unlocking the door to our house and setting things to right within felt enormously satisfying to Elliott and me, who love creating a home (making room) and living deeply in it.  Meanwhile, our little girl tromped eagerly around on all fours, enthusiastically pulling herself up on all the familiar ledges and coffee tables.

This afternoon we took a long walk into the valley below our cliff-hanging house.  After hiking for about an hour, we determined to summit a steep little rise.  The view from the top took our breaths away, especially as the sun was just setting behind our little town in the distance.

Now we’re curled up on the couch together in front of a crackling fire, listening to music and soaking up the sweetness of home life.  Tomorrow there will be much more settling in to do, and, for Elliott, a full day in the veterinary clinic.  But tonight there is just rest.

(Photo was taken on my iPhone, chosen because it trumped several others taken on my Canon DSLR.  That little Apple gadget amazes me.)

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