Elliott is a die-hard Settlers of Catan fan. Such a big fan, in fact, that he gave the game to his closest friends as a groomsmen’s gift for our wedding. Since our wedding, his groomsmen Lewis has been very busy falling in love, getting married, renovating a beautiful home, and adopting an amazing Rottweiler named Wiley. Needless to say, he and his wife Bekah haven’t had time to take the plastic off their Settlers of Catan.
We remedied that this weekend.
An explanation of the rules was required. They are confusing.
But Lewis and Bekah caught on amazingly quickly. We were soon embroiled in a very evenly matched game.
With lots of laughter over wine and memories. And puns.
The game went on and I built towers with my game pieces. (Meanwhile, Lewis and Bekah ran out of pieces in their battle for the longest road. Their roads were each 10-11 segments long!)
And then I won! Do you hear that, Garber family? I won for the second time in my life! A surprise ending to a fantastic night. Planning for our next Settlers game night is already in the works.

yes, i hear and i am quizzical and skeptical :) i see you were red, which is after all my color for settlers and i am sure that’s what brought you such good fortune!
bahaha.. I thought you were going to say you lost since I saw that high tower of unused pieces. ;-)
yay, winning is fun!
haha, I love that you won! way to go! I played this for the first time when I was at Wycliffe training and I am hooked. nobody I know owns it, though.
Settlers is our favorite game too! Though it is hard to explain to new comers. So sometimes we hook people on other fun games such as Ticket to Ride or TransEuropa, then ease them into Settlers. Have you tried either of those?
Unfortunately not! I’ve heard both of those are wonderful, and people usually also mention one called Puerto Rico. Have you played that? I’ve heard rave reviews of Ticket to Ride. Christmas present for Elliott has just been found, I think… :-)
I’m glad you won too, Becca! Of course, I wasn’t there to take the prize, so I’m fine with passing it to you ;). <3
This household loves Settlers!! – except Bruce and Deb like to be on someone’s team. KK and David battle it out! Come visit and it will be a permanent fixture on the dining table. In all seriousness if you hit this coast we would love to see you and Lena can travel accessory light – still have a crib, toys and the outdoors.
I, on the other hand, despise board games…
Allison, I read this comment out loud to Elliott and we both groaned. We would LOVE to be playing Settlers at your dining table right now. We talk about a trip back to Santa Rosa Rd often. Our honeymoon was awhile ago now, it’s time for a repeat visit!