Around here it seems like people make their IKEA shopping lists over the course of a month or two before braving the store to stock up. My friend Becca and I were in that boat, needing storage bins, holiday wrapping paper, potted ivy plants, plastic kids’ dishes, etc. Earlier this week we joined forces and took off for the endless, winding halls of IKEA, kids in tow.
You know you love IKEA when your kids start playing with amazing toys
as soon as they walk through the door.
On the right: Lucas prepares a meal for Lena as she patiently waits.
(Of course in reality this scene lasted for about 0.4 seconds, or however long it takes my phone to snap a picture.)
Ah, the toy section, where both parents and kids can spend ever so long.
The ice cream machine in the cafeteria is a huge highlight of the trip.
Anticipation… and joy!
(And the perfect t-shirt.)
Beautiful Christmas decorations, IKEA. You win.
There’s a happy face!
(I actually don’t think she’s ever had her own ice cone before… and she would not share with her mama.)
And there’s a tired one.
Time to roll out.
N.B. My husband thought I should inform you that this is not a sponsored post by IKEA or Instagram.

Ikea looks like such a playground!!
Yep, and it even has a playground and paid babysitting inside! My mom used to drop us off at the “kids’ club” when we were little and come pick us up when she was done shopping. It’s truly amazing. :-)
Cute post!!! We went to the Seattle one the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and I’m still shuddering at the thought. I love IKEA, but I always get so overwhelmed, and then I end up spending waaaaay more than I ever intended to, and then it seems like I just have a bunch of random lanterns and dishtowels to show for it. *sigh* At least you got some great pics too!
I know how you feel. :-/ I think repeated experience with IKEA has made me a more focused shopper, though… and familiarity with their crazy, twisting, winding layout has helped, too!
Memories! Remember the roomful of plastic colored balls, waist deep?