Over the weekend away in Noto, I had a rush of inspiration to truly maximize our time here in Sicily and live a simple, productive life with no regrets. (You know, just your average goals in life.) I journaled for pages and pages. Obviously this is a work in progress, but there are so many ideas and goals swimming around in my head. I hope to share more about this in the future.
In the meantime, I have made myself a massive to do list and am gritting my teeth and working through it this week. I’m taking on tasks that have been bugging me for months, like changing the light bulb on the porch (well, actually, both light bulbs on both porches) or going to IKEA to replace some battered lamps with brand new ones. There’s lots of purging going on around here, too. What is it about the end of the summer and wanting to clean out your closet and redefine yourself with less clutter? I’m not the only blogger/mother out there with the bug!
Day 1 of the productivity rush found me canning an autumn’s worth of chicken broth by 9:30 am. I shouldn’t try to give too favorable an impression, though, because I am easily distracted, especially by wonderful, inspirational lists like this one: 99 Ways to Simplify Life with Kids. But actually the five minutes it took to read that post made me more inspired than ever! So sometimes procrastinating is actually productive, right?
What’s on your to do list as you face the change in seasons and feel autumn in air?

This is such a double edged sword for me. I need to know how to do this without spending TOO much time all at once. I have to budget my time to get everything I need to have done accomplished as coming home from work and focusing solely on purging and organizing isn’t an option. I crave/need that declutterization because of how overstimulating the clutter can be but oh! to be able to achieve! And – as much as I love him – it doesn’t help that I have a husband who could happily live like a college frat boy for his entire life.
wonder woman!!
Yea for “procrastinating is actually productive”! I’m for that.