After Christmas in Sicily with my family, we flew up to Rome for a couple of days. We did a lot of walking in those two days! So many things to see that we had read about and studied all our lives. All my siblings and I used the Calvert School curriculum for K-8, and every Calvert student takes Art History in 6th Grade, Sculpture in 7th, and Architecture in 8th. We loved reviewing those textbooks together mentally as we traipsed about Roma!
The four Green siblings inside the Colosseum.
Which tourist does not belong? As in… does not belong in this century??
Smiling babies and carrot sculptures. (Unfortunately Calvert School did not cover carrot sculptures.)
The Roman Forum, the old center of Rome.
Lena’s new favorite game.
With Romulus and Remus and their wolf-mother!
Italian military policemen (carabinieri, or “the carbs,” as some lightly refer to them) wear uniforms designed by Armani. These two had some special get-up, though, even for carabinieri.
Biggest jars of Nutella I have ever seen.
Exploring the Roman subway system and snacking on a Nutella-filled crepe.
My mom watched Lena one evening so that my sisters, Elliott, and I could go out on the town for wine and antipasto. Delicious!

Are those closeups of Lena with your new lens? They’re so good! Okay, all your pictures are like fifty yotabillion times better than mine, but those closeups are especially good.
new lens? what new lens did you get?
They actually aren’t with the new lens; they were taken with my old one. You can do a lot by just cropping a photo to concentrate on what you really love in it! So it’s a combination of a good zoom, a high-resolution photo, and a crop-job.
Chrissie, my parents gave me a lovely 50mm portrait lens for Christmas. I didn’t bring it along on the trip but can’t wait to use it around home now that we’re back!
Uh oh, Lena’s favorite game is awefully similar to Jonathan and Annie’s favorite game: watch out!