We explored part of the southern section on Thursday night. We covered about three miles total and finished with a drink at La Tuna.
Lena was excited about the expedition…
… but not not so excited about the crazy guy pushing her stroller.
Just kidding, they love each other.
This part of the River Walk is brand new and perfect for joggers, dog walkers, and stroller pushers. We’ll be doing plenty of walking during our two months here in San Antonio. Lena and I have already gone for several long walks (mostly to the library) during the day while Elliott’s on base.
This southern section passes by several old factories, none of which have been reclaimed [yet].
Every mile of the River Walk is beautifully landscaped.
We finished our walk next to the path at a great little outdoor spot called La Tuna. It’s a bicycle bar. OK, I made that up, but it’s similar to a biker bar; everyone parks their bikes outside and finds a table under the trees. My favorite part? The ground is covered with a couple inches of loose bottle caps. Just pop your cap and add to the eccentricity!

These pictures are priceless. I can’t believe how beautiful she is in each one of them! The second one is soooo cute