It’s 11:56pm. Almost tomorrow, almost July 15, which is the day we leave Sicily. Bright and early with the sunrise!
But Elliott says we’re going to bed and I’m not writing a post, and he’s right. It’s been a long day — especially for him, with a million work-related details to tie up — and it will be a really, reeeeaaaalllllyyy long day tomorrow.
Pray for us if you will! We’re leaving at 7am, flying to Rome, then to Detroit, and then to D.C.
Wait, Detroit???
I know. Seriously! We have to fly Delta because it’s the airline in partnership with the military, and they don’t fly from Rome to D.C. And the Detroit flight is 10.5 hours long!!! I am already pulling my hair out.
For this trip, we got Lena a pair of kid’s headphones. She is ecstatic, and I think she’s finally old enough to concentrate on movies long enough to make it worth it, so let’s hope they do their job. Oh, and that the Delta plane has nice TVs in the seat backs with lots of kid-friendly movie options. Please, Lord, that would be great!
For Gil, I have about 15 baggies filled with pretzels. He’s obsessed, and he loves nothing more in life right now than wandering around (the kitchen, the grocery store, the pool deck, the playground) observing everyone and munching on one after another from his own little bag. Not one at a time from his mama, but in his own bag. So hopefully 15 of them will get us through an entire day of cramped airplanes.
Plus naps. For them and their parents!
That’s all. This isn’t really about Sicily, but you’ve heard a lot about Sicily lately. For about two years, since one of my very good friends left one June morning, I have been imagining that moment when I sit down in my seat on the first plane and look out the window and watch Sicily disappear below me. What will it be like? Will I cry? Probably not, I’m not good at crying at appropriate times. Probably I’ll just be a little sad, and a little happy, and a lot grateful.
These three years have been wonderful. Thank you, Sicily, and thank you, God.
May it not be too long before we see the smoke drifting from Mt Etna again on a winter’s morning!

I’m sad thinking of you saying good-bye to Sicily. But I’m praying for your flight, and am anticipating enfolding you all in my arms!
praying! i’ve lived in detroit (suburbs), and as i know the airport, was able to pray a wee bit specifically. i’m sure your kids will travel well. :) (and if not- honestly- you MAKE it there)
Praying for you guys–all five of you! I have loved your chronicles of your time in Sicily and look forward to reading about your next adventure. Blessings to your family!!
Hi, Been following your blog for a while now and have loved watching your discoveries within Sicily.
Just wanted to wish you safe flights to your new adventures. x
Ahhh….prayers for you, as I imagine you’re in flight right now! I clearly remember every vivid detail of this day we left….down to the nerves with traveling with Maverick and Caprice! I can’t wait to read the next post with all the details of the trip. It’s a tough one, but it’s only once and then you’ll be done with the international ones for a while.
You’re probably almost “home” by now…or at least in the US, but I’ve never been great at figuring out the time differences. Anyway…I pray that you and your family are having a good trip…even the cat! I have so much enjoyed “meeting you” in Sicily, and hearing about your life there. I look forward to hearing about your new adventures!
Praying for safe flights, an enjoyable time spent at home, and wonderful new adventures in CA!
I have been following your blog for a long time. I wish you God’s blessings as you take this big step in life. I hope the next few days and weeks go well for you. Keep on writing!
I checked your blog a week late, but will pray now anyway for all the transition you four (five – cat counts!) are experiencing. May you treasure your memories from Sicily but be hopeful for all God will do in this next season. I had to chuckle, because I’m also awful at crying at appropriate times (our friends in China kept teasing me for being “cold-hearted” because I was more dry-eyed than my husband during all the emotional goodbyes we experienced. Oh, and forgive yet another mention of China – but I do so resonate with what it’s like to leave a foreign place that has become your home). Look me up if you ever make it (back) through C’ville – would be a treat to meet you in person some day!