When I pictured two months of life in San Antonio, I could only imagine a dismal apartment furnished with the drabbest and barest of necessities. However, my husband has a little bit more of an imagination. With a little bit of searching, he found a beautiful apartment on the upper story of a carriage house in the beautifully historic King William neighborhood of San Antonio. The owner sent pictures and we were sold. Elliott negotiated for a price within our budget and we sent in a deposit.
Now for the past week we have been making a home for ourselves in this lovely little apartment. Here’s the view of the apartment from the top of the stairs. You can see the door at the entrance to our apartment below.
The kitchen, which is right in front of you when you walk up the stairs. One fabulous thing you can’t see: a KitchenAid mixer! I’ve used it at least 4 times this past week.
The living/dining room, and a peek into our bedroom in the back.
The view from the other side of the living/dining room. There’s a daybed underneath that far window.
Our bedroom. So airy and filled with light!
Lena’s bedroom… or our guestroom. Come visit!
And the sleeping lady herself.
I’ve been reading this wonderful book while nursing Lena before bed. I would like to do a post on it later, so I’ll save the details for then.
The bathroom. For me the clawfoot tub is the icing on the cake of this apartment.
Such sweet vintage details everywhere.
And a last glimpse, now with Lena “reading” after her nap!
We’re loving this little home away from home. We’ll be here until just before Thanksgiving, so plenty of time to explore the city and some other parts of Texas. Soon I’ll have photos to share from a walk Lena and I took around the neighborhood… you won’t believe some of these incredible old houses around us!

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!?!?!! This is your apartment???
oh my goodness I love the one of her sleeping with her butt sticking up in the air haha
I read these all before but was behind on my comments!