Today wasn’t my greatest day as a mother. At 8am this morning I rushed my little girl out the door, carpooling with Elliott on his way to work, so that I could get errands done before my weekly women’s Bible study. I dragged Lena from the library to the commissary to the post office. Unfortunately I didn’t do my research and missed the fact that today all the moms and kids were not at Bible study… they were at a playground 20 minutes away! This all dawned on me when I took Lena to the nursery to drop her off and it was a dark, empty nursery. Lena toddled around pulling out her favorite toys off the shelves while I scrolled through emails on my phone, realized my mistake, and groaned.
Lena and I drove home, Lena weeping in the back seat, hot and exhausted and hungry. Little Lena, I’m so sorry for pushing you beyond your limits, for not giving you a nap when you needed one, for not checking my emails beforehand and seeing where we needed to be and when! I’m sorry, too, for not being able to nurse you before your nap once we got home. I know that’s what you still want before you sleep, but you’re growing up, little one, and you can’t always drink Mama’s milk.
In the midst of feeling rather in the dumps about my mothering/scheduling abilities, my sister-in-law Jess sent these wonderful photos from our trip home to Virginia. She took them right after I got Lena out of her bath. Sweet memories and a dear family. Love that covers a multitude of sins!

In the third picture: Lena is not amused.
hope we can see you guys soon ! kt and I always enjoy reading your blog.
Alton, I don’t know why I only saw your whole comment now! Thanks for writing and checking in. We miss you two! EvEn though I hardly ever comment, I read kt’s blog whenever she updates. We want to see you soon, too!