One of my favorite things to do while in France was visit a lovely little bakery (in French a boulangerie) for bread and baked goods. Daniel recommended it to us as soon as we arrived, and Elliott and I took the early shift the next morning to Boulangerie Tiffanie to get baguettes for lunch and pain au chocolat (chocolate croissants) for breakfast. That bakery was one of the most heavenly places I have ever seen in my life! Elliott could hardly drag me outside after we made our requisite purchases. I soaked in the incredible view surrounding the bakery while savoring the aromas in my mind.

The next day we dragged our whole family back for breakfast at Boulangerie Tiffanie, eager that they all experience the wonders of a French country bakery. They were dressed for skiing and read to take the Grand Massif Express gondola up to the top of the mountain as soon as breakfast was over. So, struggling through the slushy falling snow and under the weight of their skis, my family walked from the bus to the bakery.
And oh! What wonders awaited them within!
Those gigantic white mounds behind the huge cookies in the photo are the biggest meringues I’d ever seen!
We bought a bag full of goodies and sat out on the warm porch to eat our breakfast. Lena got to taste some too!
Elliott got a coffee and shared this blueberry cake with Emily and me.
The following morning everyone else was skiing while I was watching Lena. We decided to head back to Boulangerie Tiffanie, where I stocked up on pain au chocolat and a baguette (which I would eat right before hitting the slopes myself that afternoon). Lena discovered my baguette while we were waiting for the bus, though, and decided to try it herself!
I bought one other thing besides chocolate croissants and baguettes that day, though. I bought a chocolate eclair, the real French thing. It came in a little white bakery box and it was magnificent. While Lena napped I sat in a cozy chair in the chalet, reading my book, sipping my coffee, and eating my chocolate eclair. Perfect.
Ok, so here is a video that’s (kinda)about la boulangerie. You’ll like this one too!
Oh I want to go to that boulangerie! One of my favourite things – taking photos of food and eating it! Looks like you had a lovely week!
So many “yums” about it all–the pastries, breads, and people :).
Hahaha the one of Lena eating is so funny!