brunch @ the Garbers

It’s a family tradition every time most of the kids are in town.  Pick a weekend morning, gather for Mom Garber’s good cooking, pet the dog, admire Lena, talk about playing Settlers (but rarely actually do, poor Elliott), go for a walk, savor the season.

This time brunch was French toast and sausages on the grill.

Annie would like some, please.

The basement flooded during the recent rainstorms.  Few good things come out of such a disaster, but occasionally old treasures are disinterred, such as a box of photographs from when all the older Garber kids were in middle and high school. 

Afterwards Lena showed everyone how she’s almost able to crawl (hands and knees, rocks back and forth, sooo cute).  She tried out her new pants from Aunt Eden, which are as darling as can be and even have reinforced knees for when Lena does start crawling!

When she got tired, she snuggled with her mommy.

We finished the morning with a walk around the block.  Not much fall color yet, but it’s slowly seeping into the leaves.
Such a great family I married into!
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One Response to brunch @ the Garbers

  1. David Garber October 12, 2011 at 6:47 pm #

    nice mom jeans, david.

    also, that other thing that is HIGHLY noticeable.

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