So it’s a pretty easy thing to have them over to dinner. They entertain themselves with stories of life pre-vet school and pre-Army, or regale each other with fantastical tales of how they saved the life of Chestie, the U.S. Marine Corps Band’s mascot, a chunky little bulldog who swallowed half a softball.
After the vets arrived, we wanted them to see our beautiful King William neighborhood (sorry I still haven’t shared photos… maybe tomorrow!), so we took a walk…
… and wound up at Blue Star Brewery, which you might remember from this post.
Hipster chick Lena fit right in with the brewery scene.
Later we reconvened at home for a hearty meal of baked chicken a la Chicken Cordon Bleu, mashed potatoes, whole wheat rolls, salad, French and Italian wines, and–for dessert–pumpkin bread. Elliott and I love cooking and entertaining, gathering friends around our table, and sharing a meal together.
After supper we might have turned on the TV. The TV? In your house? you say. But yes, we did, for something huge was happening on TV, namely my beloved Cardinals* vs. the Texas Rangers for game 6 of the World Series. What a nail-biter! My enthusiasm in cheering the Cardinals to victory may have roused my sleeping daughter. But ahhhh! can’t wait for game 7 tonight!
*Yes, I cheer for the Cardinals… and the Boston Red Sox. My grandfather took me to a game every summer in St. Louis, so the Cardinals won my heart early. The Red Sox claimed their own piece of my heart after Elliott and I lived and loved in Boston. Oh yeah, and the Nationals… yeah, they have a piece of my heart too. I love baseball! Just don’t ask me anything about football.

wook at dat widdle bewwy
I had no idea you loved baseball! I got to catch game 6 with my dad- he was cheering for the cards and I was cheering for the rangers (sorry, but I couldn’t cheer for the Cards after they knocked out my Braves). nailbiter is right!
Lena is stunning. it’s hard to believe her eyes are really that blue. wish y’all lived closer so I could meet her. : )
What,you turned on the TV. That made me smile –Jena P.S. Lena is getting so big.