With two little kids who are changing every day, I spend most of my time on this blog writing about them, and I rarely dip into stories from my past. Those of you who don’t know me in person probably aren’t aware that I grew up overseas and was born in Egypt. And almost gave birth to Lena in Egypt, too! But that’s another story for another time.
Today I have the enormous privilege of sharing a little bit about my childhood and newlywed days on my friend Marilyn’s blog. Just like me, she has spent many years of her life overseas, and her blog reflects her love for other cultures and cross-cultural communication. I feel wiser and more thoughtful after reading her posts.
I enjoyed going deeper today to write about experiencing tear gas in Pakistan as a girl and the white-knuckle night Elliott finally got out of Egypt before the revolution in Tahrir Square. Head on over to Communicating Across Boundaries to read my reflections on being a TCK!

Becca…I really enjoyed your post! (I couldn’t find a place to comment there, so I came back here) Of course I don’t know you in person, so I had no idea about the adventures you’ve had so far. I admire that flexibility that you mention…that’s one of the hardest things for me, and I’m only juggling my schedule here in the comfort of the area I’ve live in ALL MY LIFE! Hearing you talk about Egypt and your love for the country, reminds me of Jim’s cousin. She lived there and taught there for several years, and fell in love with the people and the country as well. I’m sure you and she would enjoy talking if you’d ever have the chance to meet! (she lives in Herndon VA now)
Oh boy, flexibility is definitely a struggle for me, no matter what my background… as I think it is for most of us! Thanks for your honesty, Alica. And so cool about Jim’s cousin! My family is from the D.C. area, so we probably aren’t far from her when we go back to visit. Perhaps down the road I could meet her!
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