headed back to Italy

Unbelievably, our time in the States has come to a close.  Tomorrow morning we fly back to Sicily!  I am both thrilled and miserable, realizing that all these happy days (especially those filled with family) are over.  Now we’re moving back to a new community, a new home, a new culture, a new life. 

This past week has been wonderful and filled with family.  So many gatherings around dinner tables, so many games, so much conversation, so many snuggles of a beloved granddaughter/niece/daughter.  The big news around here is that the Garber family gained a sister this week… Jonathan proposed to Erika!  And tonight our little Lena was baptized at our church on Capitol Hill, a big celebration which many of our dear friends and all of our family attended.  There are so many photos to share!  But I’ll leave you with one of the best photos from the weekend: an aunt and her niece, both in cozy onesies.  Quite indicative of the coziness of our Thanksgiving week.

Internet will be spotty the next few days as we travel and then set up house.  I’ll share as I can.  Hopefully (… fingers crossed!) I’ll be getting a new iPhone with video capabilities, so we’ll see if that leads to even more fun updates from across the pond.  Sicily, we’re coming home!

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11 Responses to headed back to Italy

  1. ahill November 28, 2011 at 6:08 am #

    Blessings and safe travels to all you dear ones. We look forward to your being connected again soon. Love to all – The Hills

  2. Jessica November 28, 2011 at 7:05 am #

    sigh…wish i was back there!

  3. Anonymous November 29, 2011 at 8:08 am #

    Eden has that exact same onesie (Lena’s, not Jessica’s). In fact she was wearing it just this afternoon.

    Christina (Hitchcock)

  4. lucyanngreen6 November 30, 2011 at 3:53 am #

    aawww..two cute onesies, and the girls wearing them, too! i miss them both. jess, next time you come over please ask for Earl Gray decaf. i hope to have it!

  5. jena December 4, 2011 at 8:50 am #

    awesome becca wish I could have seen you guys glad you got to be home for the holidays and wow you moved miss ya jena

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