With family visiting and a daughter to celebrate, I wanted to cook something special. Of course, my ultimate goal was to make something Lena would really like… and thankfully she liked everything!
Between dinner and dessert we took a break to open some presents our family brought for Lena. Although I am sure she will learn to appreciate her new toys and clothes as time goes by, her favorite thing by far was taking off the wrapping paper!
One of the first presents she opened was a Redskins outfit from her Uncle Jonny. Hence, the new shirt… and, as Eden said, “the start of her sad fan-dom.”
Later we returned to the kitchen for Lena’s first bite of cake in her life: a carrot cake cupcake.
She proved herself to be a child after my own heart: ate every bite before her and licked her fingers for every last drop of frosting. :-)
And lastly here are a couple of videos that I promised to my brothers-in-law. Lena had lots of fun opening their presents! Thanks, family and friends, for all your love and generosity to Lena in her first year of life!

This is all priceless! It’s so much fun to watch these videos and look at these photos over and over…from the package unwrapping to the salt water meal. Thanks do much for chronicling it all for us. How greatly I appreciate it, and look forward to your blog updates. I wonder what the village song was about? They sang with such feeling!
Love and hugs, momma
During the singing I thought I was in a Godfather’s sequel! “take the kid, sing something holy”. And the pics of u and the family with the presents. Precious to the nth power. You guys are making such a wonderful home. So special of our good God to give that gift. Luv u up too on and back. Pai