Well, it’s been three weeks and still no internet in our house… sigh. I see the Telecom truck in our neighborhood regularly, but the fire must have done some serious damage as they still don’t even have an estimate about when it will be fixed. “Domani, domani, tomorrow, tomorrow, they say.
But life has been busy and full with my mom visiting from Virginia and we’ve made do without internet quite well (to my own surprise). Now we’re enjoying a beautiful getaway in a rented villa on the Sicilian coast. More pictures later this week! For now, here are a few more Instagram photos from around home in these early weeks with little Gil.

& big sister love in the morning

& miso soup (hard to find in Italy so this will have to do!)

& Saturday morning means pancakes and eggs for breakfast!

& he looks like he’s up to something

& perfect little hands in the lamplight

& I spent hours of my day (and night) walking this little man to sleep

& oh that precious smile!

& just walkin’ around my house with a baby in my arms

& somehow he stayed awake through all of Moonrise Kingdom

& Lena teaches Gil how to wear Mama’s glasses

These are so delightful Becca! I especially love the Ward Probies sweatshirt :) Hope that y’all have a blast with your parents! Xo, Patrick
So happy to see one of my fellow probies noticed. :-) Miss you, Patrick!
Cuteness overload! Enjoy your week away!
Thanks, Steph! Must. Take. Pictures. But so hard to enjoy and take pictures at the same time sometimes!
I second Pattymac’s comments! Love the probie pride :)
Beautiful pictures of you and the family!
where did the heck did you manage to find miso soup? that brand of miso soup is the best, my mom would buy it all the time! congratulations on your son gil!! he is such a cutie
They sell it at our commissary (military grocery store) here. It’s delish, I agree!