life & links


Gil where the sink used to be. Lena (dress on backwards) just observing his predicament.

It’s naptime. I lit a candle, warmed up some coffee, started some laundry, and settled down to enjoy a few blogs and some quiet time before buzzing around like a bee again. Elliott’s brother and sister-in-law arrive tomorrow afternoon, and we are so excited to see them! This house needs a little lot of ship-shaping before they see it, though, and I’m spending tomorrow morning at a Ricotta Cheese Workshop with the kids, so this afternoon and evening are my chance to wash sheets and towels, hide clutter, sweep dirt under the rug, you know…

In the meantime, I thought it might be fun to share a few recent links. Cup of Jo’s Friday link posts are my favorites; it’s always fun to see what others are discovering around the internets! Do you have any links to add?

So creative… and beautiful!

Tsh’s new post about organizing vs. decluttering. Inspiring.

My latest purchase.

The trailer for American Blogger caused a big backlash. What do you think?

My new favorite mommy blog and her hilarious answer to the question, “Do you work?”

The anti-vaccine movement and Jenny McCarthy? There’s a link.

Made me laugh.

Rumsfeld’s hilarious letter accompanying his 2014 tax return.

Another sobering reminder to put your phone away in the car.

Yes, please!

I started this book in Paris and it’s so good!

5 easy ways to improve your handwriting. (#2 is my biggest takeaway.)

I made this last week and it was meh. Do you have a favorite Thai recipe?

My thoughtful friend Courtney posted about why she is not a hands free mama, which reminded me of this great piece by Sarah Bessey on why she doesn’t mind her kids seeing her on her computer. Great food for thought.

Any favorite links to add? I always love a good reason to procrastinate!!!

Have a great Tuesday.

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7 Responses to life & links

  1. Charlotte April 29, 2014 at 10:59 pm #

    What a fun post, Becca! Loved the ‘Do you work?’ video and am a little worried I identify so much since I only have one child. Hah! And really appreciate the Bessey piece on working at home. I spend a bit of computer time working for our church so this was a good one for me!

    • Charlotte April 29, 2014 at 11:00 pm #

      Oops, I meant it’s funny that I identify so much even though I have just one child! : )

      • Becca April 30, 2014 at 9:06 pm #

        I totally identified with this kind of stuff as soon as I had a baby. ;) But of course our ability to relate will only increase with the amount of children we have… which I hope is a whole passel for both of us!

  2. Courtney April 30, 2014 at 2:18 am #

    Aww…thanks so much for the link love, Becca! I’m so excited to go through all your finds!

    • Becca April 30, 2014 at 9:05 pm #

      Absolutely! I want others to enjoy your blog as much as I do!

  3. Erin R. May 7, 2014 at 5:55 am #

    My kids love to take the sink out of our play kitchen and crawl up through it too. :) As far as recipes, this isn’t actually a Thai recipe, but rather a Thai inspired recipe, but SO worth making.

    This also isn’t really Thai, but Thai inspired, but it is easy and yummy as well.

    • Becca May 7, 2014 at 4:45 pm #

      Thank you, Erin! These are great suggestions.

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