Hello again! How are you all?! It’s been quiet on my blog the past couple of weeks, thanks to a slew of sickness and Elliott being out of town and family visiting and other writing. I’m savoring nap/rest time right now where my kids have to be quiet for an hour… and where I can catch up with you, read a bit, and eat a huge bowl of strawberries and cream!
I thought I’d share a few photos from my phone to get caught up:
The weekend of Mother’s Day, my parents were in town after Elliott left for three weeks of Airborne School. I was so glad to have them here for a couple of weeks! We went to see my cousin Tyler in a rock climbing competition (he placed third!) and on Mother’s Day my mom and I went on an amazing historical home tour in our town.
My cousin KT and her husband and daughter also came for a short visit, and the kiddos had so much fun together. We visited the San Diego Zoo…
… and the beach, where Alton made a huge sand castle fortress and the kids waited like hungry vultures until they could knock it down as soon as he was done.
We also spent a lot of quiet days at home and enjoying time with my mom, who is such a wonderful guest and friend and support to me, especially in this stage of young motherhood. Thank you for all your help, Mom!
We also finally harvested our first artichokes from our very thirsty, very demanding, very temperamental artichoke plant. (He seriously has a personality all of his own!) And one afternoon Lena and I cut out paper dolls from a book, which was about as much fun and as frustrating as I remembered from when I was about her age…
Right after my parents left, the kids and I roadtripped up to central California for Elliott’s cousin’s wedding. Since it was a five-hour drive, we were all really bummed Elliott couldn’t be there! But the drive when surprisingly well. These two are good little travelers. We trained ’em young!
Elliott’s parents flew out for the wedding, and his dad had fun showing us around the small town where he grew up. He treated us all to donuts! The kids we beside themselves with glee.
The rehearsal dinner and wedding were beautiful, all in the bride’s family’s backyard. What a setting! Lena and Gil were antsy during the ceremony, but that meant we got the best seats in the house.
Unfortunately, while I was standing in the hors d’oeurves line, Gil and Lena were dancing with some other kids, and then Gil suddenly stopped and threw up… all over the dance floor! I had brought another shirt, so my mother-in-law changed him while I did the Mom’s Walk of Shame and marched out onto the dance floor to wipe up the mess with a stack of baby wipes. Unfortunately, Gil had barely donned a clean shirt when he threw up again, and so I decided to cut my losses and go home.
It was a looooong night of vomit almost every hour for Gil, and I wasn’t sure what we would do the next morning. I didn’t think I could drive home by myself with him in this state! Miraculously, my mother-in-law was able to change her flight free of charge, and she offered to drive us home to San Diego and then fly out of that airport the next morning. Thank you, Mom and Dad!
It was such a gift, and definitely needed because Gil was still sick for the next four days. Thankfully he’s better now… and has moved onto a new virus. This has been the spring of sickness for us, and I am so ready for it to end!
Lena was so glad to come home to her precious kittens, all of whom are growing up so quickly and continue to bring us so much joy.
Elliott was still out of town and the kids were still sick and I was so tired, but Lena had been begging me to “make cheese!” with her for days. So finally we finished gathering the supplies and made homemade mozzarella. It was super easy; here’s the recipe we used. I think we kneaded it too much at the end because it is unfortunately very rubbery. We’ll do better next time! Now we just need all our tomato plants to ripen so we can make a totally homemade caprese salad.
And then Elliott came home! I can’t even begin to describe how relieved and happy I was after worrying and praying over his safety for the past three weeks. He was training to become a paratrooper, and that involved two weeks of training and then one week of jumping out of a moving airplane with a parachute five separate times. But he has nothing worse to show for his trials than a few fading bruises. Here’s a video if you want to see what he did!
Lena took our picture… about 100 times, including some great outtakes, like Elliott “fixing” my hair the way he does before most photos.
We have some very proud kiddos, too! Do you like the shirts Elliott got them? :)
Over the weekend we did some fun things together as a family and with friends, including going to this rodeo — Gil’s first!
We visited the tide pools at Sunset Cliffs (I also blogged about them here), where the kids found sea anemones and hermit crabs, and then found kelp pods to pop. I said this could be their cover of their first album, “Smashing Kelp.”
On Sunday we visited North Park, where my favorite store — Pigment — has been reconfigured to accommodate an entire section where you can design your own terrarium. You can even buy a little brass watering can to go with it! Gil was all over that.
On Memorial Day we visited Kensington (a cool neighborhood where we almost bought a house) for their small town parade. Fun with friends even in the rain!
Yesterday the kiddos and I visited the museums in Balboa Park for “free resident Tuesday,” a perk that we take advantage of pretty frequently. We visited the underwhelming Automotive Museum, where the best thing we found was this picture for my dad, who worked for Mobil for most of his career!
And I’ll leave you with these sweet kittens, who are now eight weeks old and so much fun! What have you all been up to? Happy Wednesday!

Wow! You have been a busy bee! I love how you are so organized and can relate all you’ve been doing with such great photos and play-by-plays. We’ve also been busy, but I would be hard-pressed to actually tell you with what- the end of the school year is always such a crazy blur! We did go camping just the four of us this past weekend. Overall it was lots of fun to be together and explore one of our State Parks, but man was figuring out the sleeping arrangements a tough one! We weren’t exactly roughing it since we slept in a little RV trailer that Jorge’s parents have, but it was tricky to put the kids to bed at a decent hour and still be able to hang out by the fire for a little bit without waking them up when we went to bed later… Anyways, the perfect weather made for good memories and some nice relaxation! I hope you’re all healthy now and are ready for a fun summer!
Sleeping arrangements have been a problem in all our travels with kids, especially after Lena outgrew her pack n play being stuffed into every hotel bathroom! Thus we stay at home more than we’d prefer to. Oh well, I think flexibility is good for them… and for us!
Ah, pod smashing on the rocks at low tide. Takes me back to Half Moon Bay just south of Bay Street in Brighton when, smashing pods, someone mistakenly (!) walked barefoot over a huge purple jellyfish. Oh my…
I do remember that…!
You’ve been so busy! The movers came and packed all of our stuff and shipped it off to Sicily. That was a very long day but made it all seem more real. We’ve been to the farmer’s market near our place in imperial beach and my son is almost done with 3rd grade. We’re keeping it low key in preparation for our upcoming move. Glad your son is feeling better and your husband is home safely.
I’m so excited for you! I guess you are on your way or will be soon. Blessings to you, and say hi to Sicily for me!
Catching up on blog reading – what a busy month! I am glad you had some fun things sprinkled in too through the unfortunate sickness and solo parenting!