Update: As of yesterday, Read the Change book club has an even better website! Check it out here. Snazzy bio of yours truly coming soon under the Board tab.
Yesterday as I was editing my blog tabs, I set up one devoted to my love of reading and my 2012 Book Goal (to read a book a week). Inspired by this love of books, I also wanted to share with you another book-ish thing going on in my life.
And that is: the Read the Change book club.
Some of you remember how much we hung out with our friends Lewis and Bekah this fall in San Antonio. Bekah has gone on to do something wonderful with a group of her close friends. She’s started a book club for people who not only like to read, but want their reading do some good in the world, to make a change for the better.
The book club is open to anyone… and that means you! Members have to be willing to pledge $20 upfront. Every two months, one member selects a book for the whole group to read. That member also selects a charity organization that is in some way related to the book. At the end of the year, all the members will vote on their favorite book/charity, and the collected money will go towards that charity. This month we’re all reading Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver and the selected charity is the Nature Conservacy.
Are you interested in joining our ranks? We’d love to have you! Visit the Read the Change website and email my friend Bekah (bekah@readthechange.org) to get started!

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