Elliott’s family has been visiting Chincoteague for about 20 years, long before I was ever in the picture. Somehow we have missed these family vacations since we got married, and so this was my first time to see this beautiful corner of the world. What a peaceful place! The quiet water rising and falling with the tide, the herons and egrets dipping and diving for fish, the sunrises and sunsets that turn the marsh grasses golden and haloed with light. After the joy and excitement of Eden and Charlie’s wedding, this was a sweet way for all of us to settle gently back to earth before going on with our regular lives.
Morning on the dock.
Kayaking with David… which we chose to do at low tide. Whoopsies!
The brave kayakers, tired but victorious after shoving ourselves through mud and battling the wind.
Gil and his Grampa
Peekaboo! Auntie Jess found the perfect place to hang her hammock.
Giggles with “Unca Davy”
Thank you, Seth and Tracy, for the awesome outfit Gil is wearing. Lena also enjoyed it back in the day!
Ready to go for a bike ride!
Erika and Jonathan (happy anniversary, you two!!!) pose by the map together…
… and then Jess poses with her future husband.
For Harry Potter fans, this has something to do with Harry Potter.
The whole gang. Photo taken while biking one-handed behind them and making them all look over their shoulders… thankfully none of us crashed!
Daddy and his girl.
A Chincoteague pony! Looks kinda like Misty.
Cutie patooties.
All the siblings played two games of Settlers in less than 24 hours. Elliott somehow won both of them.
Last but not least, we watched a rocket go off from the NASA station! Can you see the glow in the sky that is reflected in the water? It was headed for the space station. I didn’t even know we had a space station. Did you?

That sunset picture is dope! As is, of course, the picture of Misty.
I had to look “dope” in this context up on Urban Dictionary. You oh-so-suburban dad, you.
For the ‘Arry Potta’ fans, you have to believe, despite the looks of those being charmed, that it was and not !
… tried and failed to italicize the spells… it was “wingardium leviosa,” and NOT “avada kedavra!”
too bad no photos of you falling off your bike in the parking lot ;)
Hahaha, that’s not funny.