When you go to the same university as your spouse, you are guaranteed to share a love of many things. Elliott and I both attended the University of Virginia, and we hold dear reading in the Gardens, hiking in the Blue Ridge mountains, worshiping at RUF and Trinity, living on 14th Street our fourth year, studying in the stacks of Alderman, and even nervously streaking the Lawn.
The joy sharing life like this is that you often get to know the same people through connections like your university. When Elliott and I began to date and compare lists of friends, we discovered we had some in common. It’s not often that we get to spend a lot of time with these friends anymore, especially now that we’re in Italy/Texas.
However, this weekend we felt lucky to have a chance to relax and enjoy the friendship of some fellow UVA friends in the beautiful Blue Ridge.
We drove down to Charlottesville on Sunday afternoon, arriving just in time to watch the sunset from the ridge. From that lovely spot we caught up over meals, hikes, and dirty dishes. On Sunday night we roasted s’mores over the first fire of the fall.
Mari and John practiced holding a baby for when they have one of their own.
Lena and I discovered the flowers outside the house before we headed off on a hike up to Humpback Rock.
I haven’t been up here in four years when I climbed it with a group of 4th year girlfriends. So much has changed since then in my life! Much as I loved that hike four years ago, and much as I loved life at UVA, I’d never go back. I love these two people too much!
Lena’s going to be a little rock climber one day. She might need to lose the bow eventually if she wants to be taken seriously, though.
Sweet couple. Thanks for hosting such a fun getaway in the mountains!
Someone was tired after our hike… and she didn’t have to take a step!

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