Well, I guess I went on an unexplained blogging vacation! Sorry about being MIA for all you few and faithful who look forward to updates. I’m back now with some photos today and other life updates later this week.
One reason for the lack of posting is that our little family took a trip back to the States. We did nothing but relax with family and see friends the entire time, altogether a sweet interlude in regular life. I’ll share more from our visit home later this week, but for now, here are some iPhone photos from time with family as well as a few from life since we got back last Wednesday night.
Marmee (mother of twins) teaches Lena how hard it is to take care of twin babies!
& snack time on the back deck
nature loving in the Garbers’ beautiful backyard in Virginia
now back home in Sicily, we settle back into our familiar routines (and also pots)
playtime and “helping” with the laundry
she pulls her wooden alligator behind her everywhere these days
& enjoying a traditional Sicilian breakfast (frozen granite ices inside brioche sweet buns) with my dad, who visited us this weekend
enjoying the fruits of Sicily: homemade cherry compote (in an old lemon curd jar)
& munching on an apricot on a walk
yesterday Lena found new uses for her cloth diapers as her mama took them off the line

last segment with the laundry on the heads is pre-cious!
happy to see poppy there, and lena’s love for laundry:))
Also, the pic of her dragging the alligator is a classic. I might need to print it out!