Happy Labor Day from someone who knows that a mama never rests from her labors!
Our Labor Day plan is very simple: enjoying one final day in Crete as we soak up the summer sun, Mediterranean sea, Greek food, and time together. For me, ultimately that’s what any vacation is about: time with friends or family! If you’d like a peek into our vacation here, I’ve shared photos and videos through Instagram.
What are you up to this Labor Day?
P.S. Can’t wait to share an amazing giveaway with you tomorrow! Get ready for a shopping spree!

We’re spending most of labor day…laboring…the cows don’t take vacation! I’ve also got to pick my lima beans and can some tomatoes. But best of all is breakfast brought to us by a friend, and supper coming from some other friends. Twice blessed today!
What wonderful friends you must have for them to bring you two meals in a day! Is it because you are still laboring on a holiday? Whether it’s special treatment or just kindness… you have good friends!
Breakfast was a spur of the moment thing…our local Hospice has a huge auction this weekend, and a friend brought us some delicious breakfast sandwiches and Amish made cream filled donuts (really, really bad for us, but oh so yummy!) and tonight it was some good friends who invited themselves over,along with a full lasagna dinner…just because they needed someone to share it with! You’re right…we do have good friends!! I hope you enjoyed your final day in Crete. It sounds like a dream! :)
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